Hello to all my potential followers! These are my views, thoughts and experiences. I am a student at the Culinary Institute of America in California, although I am from Kentucky. Here I will bring many things to the table, from my views on food and cooking, to my extracurricular hobbies, including ballroom dance, watching University of Kentucky sports, playing video games, watching movies, and my former careers of history and political science. Anything that pops into my head is up for commentary! So, welcome to my world, and welcome to my table! :D

Monday, January 9, 2012

Passion and Food

I found this quote by Julia Child, and I tend to agree with this: "People who are not interested in food always seem rather dry and unloving and don't have a real gusto for life". What is it about food that brings out passion in people? Is it savoring all of the little things? Eating could just as easily be something we do merely to sustain ourselves, and go on with daily life. Perhaps there is some connection with food appealing to all of our senses that makes it seem so vibrant, and if we can truly appreciate that, we start to see how special ALL of the little things in our lives can be. Thoughts?

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